
What We Believe

Blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.
—Genesis 22:17

We Are Called To Possess The Gates

The gates of our modern society are the spheres of influence over our nation. God’s people are ordained to possess these gates and, once again, become the leaders who direct our nation into obedience and the reverence of God.

These gates are family, religion/ministry, business, government, education, arts & entertainment, and media. Due to the current state of these gates (with many areas being led by unbelievers), our society has been suffering and falling away from God's precepts and commandments.

The result is a breakdown of society's moral values and it has led believers worldwide to face various threats to their freedoms.

We are a body of believers empowered by the Holy Spirit to transform culture.

“If the church does not disciple the nations, the nations will disciple the church.”

Jesus Said He Will Build His Church

For many years now Christians have been building their own churches. The latest church growth era has placed its focus in bringing people inside church walls, rather than going out to fulfill the great commission (Matthew 2 8:19Mark 16:15). Although many Christians are being fed the word of God on a regular basis,very few are equipped to go into the world and make disciples.

Believers who understand that their bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), understand that the authority given to Jesus has been passed on to them (Matthew 28:18John 16:15Ephesians 1:22-23), and those who are guided by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14) are, in fact, the church (the body of Christ) that Jesus is building on Earth.

As Gatekeepers, we are commissioned to awaken the body of Christ to mature in the realization of our identity in Jesus Christ—that each one of us have a calling in the kingdom of God and we are anointed and empowered by God’s grace to fulfill it (Romans 8:30).

"And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
Matthew 16:19

The Greatest Revival Will Happen
In The Marketplace

In order that the church (the body of Christ) would reach unity in the faith and also mature to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ, Jesus gave some of us to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, and some teachers.

According to the Bible, we are to recognize these ministry callings within the church in order that we may equip the saints for works of ministry, to build up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13).

As Gatekeepers go into the marketplace and make disciples, God will reveal to His people the callings they have in their lives, and the church will begin to operate in the fullness of these callings. The power of God will be manifested and will draw His people into a great revival within the marketplace.

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