We are a body of believers empowered by the Holy Spirit to transform culture.

Join us – you have a purpose waiting for you.

Marketplace Disciples

Experience a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and be a light for Him in the dark culture. We are a group of Christian men and women empowered by the Holy Spirit to influence the seven gates of society including family, religion, business, government, education, arts & entertainment, and media. 

What Our Members Say

A community of believers who network together to glorify God in our lives and in the marketplace. Each meeting I leave feeling encouraged by the speaker and the conversations with other members, not stressed about what can I do for you, but what can we build together. This group has vision, purpose, and power to see the Lord glorified in our businesses and in our community.
If you are looking for a God filled, Holy Ghost filled group to get inspired by in your business and in life... GateKeepers is the place you don't want to miss. Fellowship n food and Godly messages to encourage you in the marketplace, in your business, and in your walk with the Lord. Come join us for fun and to invite the presence of the Lord into our business...and make it His business.
This group is all about bringing Christ to the marketplace. Like minded business people who put God first which instantly bonded us all. Our business is second in this group and we let God lead us in our business relationships. There is no “selling ourselves “ as we all know that our true mission in life is to bring people to God. This group was exactly what my husband and myself were looking for! Praise God for Gatekeepers!
“We operate in grace”. These words resonated with me so strongly in one of the first meetings with the leadership team. FGB Gatekeepers brings together business people who hold the Word of God as a personal and professional standard. Come with your vulnerability , come with a desire to represent Christ in the workplace, come and be lifted up by the Holy Spirit. Come be blessed as He is present through the anointing of this group and I assure you, this is business networking like none other!
Sally Beyer
Born Again Banker
My first time and this group is a blessing bringing Christ to the our Community and Networking while still keeping God number one. The Holy Spirit was present and I’m not one to share my own story and how the Lord lead me to Care Net Manasota Pregnancy Center but I do know the Holy Spirit was on fire! Thank you Lord for our Gatekeepers group 🙏🏻This by far is my #1 networking group with friends, believers that love the Lord.

Our Networking Family

Take a peek at our meetings and events…